maanantai 9. marraskuuta 2015

The fantasy of "conscious relating" and "awakened man/woman".


So, we meet again. I haven't written in quite some time and I think it's mostly because I find it harder and harder to express myself for I see more wide and into more subtle layers of reality and that makes it difficult to decide what individual subjects to break into pieces. I have to feel into what is truly worth saying and what purpose does it serve.  The movement in my writings is pretty much the same every time: I lure people's attention by addressing and issue and then move beyond it to give a chance for anyone who was attached to that particular issue to also let go of that for a while and let go of that identity. It's basically the same every time, just the subjects vary.

Usually I just grab something that I see is gathering a lot of attention in the world of self-development, some myth about how to become better spiritual person or whatever nonsense and then I just make an inquiry to show that actually there is no separation, no issues, no problems in the bigger picture. I strip down everything that isn't yours and then I leave you there with yourself.

Today I would like to address the ideas of "Conscious Relationship"and "Awakened man/woman". I have noticed a lot of posts in my FB-feed where there is all sorts of descriptions of how an awakened relationship should look like and what awakened man and women will be like and what they want from each other and blablabla.. You get the drift.

I don't even know where to start. I've seen so much of that stuff and I find most of it just bs. There are multitude of articles, courses and workshops on conscious relating, tantra and all of that stuff which is great for those who feel the need to do that and find help in it and those people who are truly into that probably won't get discouraged by what I say and it is not for them and it's not judgement but for some rare being it is time to move beyond that.

I just googled "conscious man" and sure enough I saw an article on "how to attract a conscious man" listing thousand and one attributes on how this perfect spiritual man would look, act, walk and relate and I find it a bit amusing because first of all if someone is conscious they move beyond the definitions of being either gender (even though they might play the role) and secondly he/she probably won't give a fuck about trying to have a "conscious relationship" he/she will just have interest in their being and will act according to that and whatever relating comes up after minding one's own inner being is just like ripples caused by the stone thrown in the pond. You won't see the stone but without it there would be no waves.

There seems to be a kind of spiritual fantasy going on about how that perfect partner would look like and it is not really any different from any old rotten concepts of the night in shiny armour coming to save you like the women have dreamt of for centuries. It creates just another layer of distortion when you bring the same mind in and sugar coat those daydreams with another set of expectations, however beautiful they sound. That distortion is hiding a fact that most people are not ready to take responsibility of their own selves and they need that other half to make it all better. Most of humanity lives like that so it's understandable that these dreams and delusions live on but this is the critical place where the separation is created and the tool for making the separation is expectations. It is a position of power when you make great standards around yourself where the potential partner must reach in order for your acceptance. You place yourself as the judge and attract the kind of people in your life who are willing to play the delirious game to win you over and prove how they are worthy. You see how that doesn't really work out because the truly conscious being is not interested in any of that, only the delusional ones are who are looking outside of themselves as much as you are.

The truth is that conscious man/woman don't really want or need anything from another because they understand that everything they need is already inside of themselves. They might be in a relationship, they might be intimate but it's all just secondary, it is just a side effect, they did not work to better their relationship, they didn't study how to become more conscious lover, no lessons or self-help books led to it. It just happens spontaneously because they are aware and they know that everything they feel right for themselves cannot be wrong for someone else because they understand that consciousness cannot function like that.

So if you need a list to show you what a perfect partner looks like and you read books on soulmates and twin flames then you are simply projecting and you have not known yourself in your inner depth. If you are striving towards developing the perfect relationship there is a chance you are not accepting your partner as they are, nor yourself for that matter, thus the little project of decorating your relationship to look more like your projections doesn't make much of a difference.

There are so many celebrity tips on how to keep the juice and polarity going in the relationship and how to keep the spark in bed but all of them are based on non acceptance. What is wrong with having periods in your relationship where you are not that interested in sex or even don't care much of the company of your partner? I mean, what a relief when you have the time for yourself! I think it's perfectly natural and how are you going to maintain anything consistently in this world of changefulness? It is impossible standards, identity, expectations and looking outside of yourself for fulfilment that causes all the trouble. Otherwise everything is going just fine on it's own accord. I think just more patience and trust is needed in life in general and then life has enough time and space to show how easy it can be.

The bottom line here is that don't go looking on the outside first. You are the number one priority. If you go looking before you have befriended yourself then you will go to absolutely the wrong places at the wrong time and end up with more drama and disappointments than the last time. Just stay here with yourself and forget about the other. I cannot promise that someone comes but you will realise that it doesn't matter and then you are not bound by any dreams anymore. You will not send the kind of energy that invites trouble and then there is a chance of true meeting of two conscious being who paradoxically don't care about the other but end up sharing in a very relaxed and free way.