I've thought about it lately. I do feel grateful for being a white, male and having the typical sexual orientation, coming from a country where living standard is quite high and life is safe. I'm happy about it, not because of the privileges, but because the perception of someone like me.
People focus these days so deeply into all sorts of hierarchies and score points on who is supposedly the most oppressed and has it worst, this has created a totally new type of army of narcisists. I can understand why this kind of obsession about such trivial external things like genitalia, skin colour or sexual orientation has risen in people, it's just in the culture. Everyone wants to be the most progressive and open minded person of anyone they know and they want to make it sure that everyone is aware of their virtuous fight against injustices in the heroic realm of social media. You can constantly see even apparently intelligent people falling into inconceivable traps of cognitive dissonance and denying of clear realities just because the narrative needs to be maintained.
..and that narrative needs to be fed with heroes and villains, good and bad people, and thanks to intersectional feminism, good and bad groups of people. This narrative needs it's victims and the only way you can create enough volume and attention is to have whole groups of people being the victims and whole groups of people being the perpetrators. Thus if you are black, overweight, transsexual muslim woman you are most likely being told that the whole world has been stacked up against you, you have no hope because the big and vague cis-normative-oppressive-patriarchy is lurking in the shadows and all that you need to do is to recognize that you are a victim by default and you should not take any individual responsibility and be a creator of your own life, a light unto yourself. No, you need to constantly remember your identity and carry it around like currency because it is a kind of currency in the oppression olympics. If you score high you get all the false sympathy in the world and people telling what a poor thing you are for being born in such a terrible way but at least you have them, although, in reality, they have you as someone to fight for. You are not an individual for them, you are just an object that proves their ideology right and they can keep on feeling warm and fuzzy for fighting for the right cause.
It's like feminism, the definition of the ideology sound fantastic: "equality for all" and I personally don't know anyone who would argue that but when you've got an ideology that's sole purpose is just to enforce itself upon people and gain political influence while being about as anti science as the west borough baptists, lying and twisting statistics just to make it fit to the narrative and use women as mere means to an end. These movement are very similar to communism in many ways, they say the system is made for the people but all they seem to be doing is using people for the benefit of the system.
Well, enough of ranting about that.
My point in all of this was that I feel grateful for being a white, straight male because nobody comes to me telling that the world is out to get me, that I can't make it, that I'm a victim. My outer appearance only fits for the role of perpetrator and I have played that role too out of some weird compassion and the deep conditioning in the role.
I've been mostly left alone, nobody scores any social justice points on my types so we are just left alone to do our thing. Most of us have no clue or interest in race or sexual orientation, we don't care, it's not our business what other people are doing with their lives. We have to take responsibility of our lives, there is nobody to feel sorry about a straight white male having some trouble in their life even if they are living on the streets or lying in the gutter, it just doesn't fit. We are always the ones who are privileged, the lucky ones and I agree, we totally are but for a totally different reason, we have to create our own self respect, we can't rely for anyone to hand it to us based on any external factor. We don't get the choice to play any games based on our appearance. So thanks world for not giving a fuck, for making me the bad guy. I accept all responsibility for my life wholeheartedly because I know this is the only way to be free.

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