I find that people are more and more burdened these days by so much information that for many it’s actually quite hard to keep up. Many people I know want to do the best they can because they love this earth and want to see it in a better condition. So they want to help, develop better systems, make all the efforts to create something better because something in them is tired with the old. We are waking up to the very fact that the systems that have been created in the old consciousness are simply not designed flawless by any means and there are tons of people inspired to create new ways to substitute the old ones.
The thing is that there are few very old-energy beliefs still left in the people who are ”helping” or ”saving” the world.
There is a basic core belief in humans; a tendency to think I am not enoughjust as I am. This is a very old issue and it’s reflected in the way we behave with information also. There is a tendency to believe one is never doing enough, that one is never good enough and therefore must strain more, must study more, must think more about the environment and must also keep others feeling the same way to keep this movement going to reach this far away goal of better world. The more you convince people that something is wrong with them,the environment, humanity and the whole world the more you also have others buying into this way of thinking and therefore validate this as something more concrete and real.
Does this sound familiar, by the way? Yes, It sounds very much like religions,doesn’t it?
The feeling behind belonging into religions is of being separate, that you are a flawed human being who was thrown out of the paradise by god and now you must make it up, to be good enough once again to get back. In other religious terms you need to become the perfect human being in order to attain enlightenment and you need to travel along road and learn to discipline your mind and body, you need to have this and that diet, you need to meditate at least 1 hour / day or you will lose your chance of getting enlightenment and then you have to wait for the next lifetime. Of course these are impossible standards and lead you torturing yourself in every way until you say ”once again, I tried and failed at becoming the real me”. Then off to the next round for thousands of years..
One basic flaw with this making better world -thinking is that there will NEVER be a better world because the code is set to create problems and then solve those problems. It’s like the conspiracy theories; You believe there is some bad people who are keeping your power from you and you focus your energy on changing it but your assumption is based on the old belief that you are powerless and you need power and then you need someone who is matching this victim energy you created and therefore those people who have this control just have to keep on playing this game because YOU are. Do you see a paradox here?Y ou are co-creating also what you are fighting against. Always.
I’m not going any deeper into the conspiracies so let’s get back on track.
There is this dualistic movement for the consciousness to fix the world and fix also other people. But this is one of the most violent and old energy way of looking at things. There is a basic assumption that there is something wrong with people as they are. They are not as they should be and the helper has the idea how exactly they should be. So basically the one helping and saving others is projecting these massively arrogant thoughts on others and trying to force them to change in the way the helper wants them to be even if the people are happy in the way they are. The reality is that people are CHOOSING as creators to experience certain role maybe for years and lifetimes in order to empower themselves and later laugh after seeing the contrast of their supposed difficulty then they see that they don’t need to hold onto it anymore. They will be immensely more rich, wise and deep once they have transcended this kind of darkness into understanding. They stand strongly in their own freedom once they have experienced very strong and dense negativity and desperation. Actually the helper is not helping at all because he is not really considering these people as masters and creators, rather his own soldiers in the chessboard he created. He is about to win the game…
So how can you really help others?
It’s very simple, let them be as they are, accept them in their own expression and take your own freedom as it is for everyone who is ready to let go of the idea that first you need to help others before you can be so selfish that you take or rather accept and allow your own freedom. But when you accept your freedom, you don’t need to do much, you are just shining your own essence, not because of any reason but just because that’s who and what you are. You don’t care who is affected by it, you just care that that’s your joy to express yourself in your fullness, JUST BECAUSE..
So what do we need to be informed about? Really just that you are, you exist and that’s all you need, the rest will take care of itself, you don’t need to stress about knowing more or doing more (if you don't want) because for one who is accepting their freedom energy serves effortlessly and everything you do is right. You just assume that and therefore it becomes so. Then everything is suddenly as it should be and life takes care of itself and by synchronicity you may happen to help someone but that’s none of your concern, it just happened because you were being you. This is a true inspiration for others, they will see the potential in themselves manifest in front of their eyes and if they are ready for it something immediately starts transforming. Nobody is doing nothing but something is happening. That’s what alchemy is all about.
Isn’t this much more easy way than trying to manage all the information and act accordingly, worry and stress about how can you be ”good enough”. This is also well and good. Just one perspective of consciousness and it is also needed but there are so many helpers in the world that don’t you think you can let the newcomers come and move to that point, have their space in the playground that you have been selfishly guarding for so long.
If you are consciouss like this then you will see that there are so many people coming to take over from here. So many people are aware of what is going on in the world so if you are ready to let go of your role and step into your true freedom, there will be so many people taking over your old role of helping,saving, preserving, protecting, healing…
This is an invitation. Why not take the easy way? Love yourself, realise your own freedom and see how the whole world suddenly changes in front of your eyes.Not because it changed so much but because you let go of the limited perspective and stepped into your natural seeing and open consciousness that you already always were.
Written by
Sakura Saku
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