lauantai 20. joulukuuta 2014

Tree branches fighting each other

I was drinking tea in the sofa’s by a big window and just gazing away without really focusing on anything. I was more in a contemplation on the inside than really looking at something but then something catches my eye and I see two branches of the same tree swinging towards and away from each other and it looked a little like they were fighting with each other. Then I realised that this was purely about my own impression about the situation whereas in reality it had nothing to do with fighting. The branches were just swinging around in the wind. And why would the branches of the tree fight each other? They are the same tree. Of course it made no sense whatsoever.

The situation in fact is the same on everything we look at. We look at a couple fighting and we give it a meaning. We box it and wrap it up and move to the next perception and categorise that too. Our mind does that automatically and we take it for granted that the meaning is obvious in things we see. If you have ever experienced these moments of just pure witnessing where you just observe everything without bothering to call it anything. Without trying to find a reason behind it or a relation to something that happened in the past or what could happen next. If you can spare even a minute to leave all that aside and just let your awareness be neutral of everything then even if you look at a couple fighting you will see just the phenomenal expression playing with itself. It’s just energy. Just like the branches of the tree were swinging in the air. Just because.. There is not really any considerable difference. The only difference is who are you watching it as for that is the decisive factor in which way you see everything. That in fact is where you decide if world is a horrible place that needs to be fixed and saved or if everything is just perfect the way it is. Can you unburden yourself of meaning? Because when you give anything your interpretation then you put yourself in a position where something is needed of you and you go on playing the hero while actually being the villain at the same time.

Can you spare just a minute here and there when you leave everything be as it is?
It will be worthwhile. I promise you :)

tiistai 16. joulukuuta 2014

The anatomy of getting angry

Normally when we feel anger towards someone it feels like the anger is very justified and there is no reason to question it. In the story we have around this feeling it seems like the most logical thing. But when we make this assumption that anger is needed towards someone else we do not see what steps have been taken before this anger happens and why. I would like to slow it down so we can see what believes we need to hold as true in order for this anger to emerge.

Let’s take a tiny everyday example I believe many of you can easily relate to. 
Your significant one says to you “You HAVE got to buy me a christmas present because I’m buying one for you”. Maybe you think “well that feels very demanding and needy” and it leaves a uncomfortable feeling. Feeling like pressure has been put on you by this relatively insignificant thing. You start feeling like you are shrinking and getting in your mind "Now I have to go to the stores in desperate need to find something for him/her" You have no idea what to buy and you stress over it. Then there is anger that the other one would put you into this position that you have to go outside of yourself just to please their expectation.

So in order for you to get angry you need to identify yourself into a powerless position where you have to force your natural openness and flow to suit somebody else’s desires. We have the tendency to do this AUTOMATICALLY so we are never aware how it happens. That’s why we need to slow the time a bit and look at it step by step. When we do this automatic assumption that we are limited to live by somebody else’s expectation we then co-create this energy dynamic where the animal part in the unconscious says “wait a minute.. I’m bound and I want to be free again” and the anger then is the natural reaction to this flight-or-fight -situation where our body prepares to make an attempt to fight for this freedom from captivity. But this is not the jungle so we have learned to act civilised and withhold the anger and try to adjust in different ways like emotional manipulation by for example becoming a victim who says yes and plays along on the surface just to survive but is secretly looking how to exploit this situation and use it in their own advantage. This is what we know as power games and energy feeding. When the attention seems to always be outside of yourself because you are compromising and crippling yourself for someone else then you need to make sure that you are getting more out of this deal than you are putting in. That's how the game perpetuates itself and a lot of suppressed anger is collected that's always looking for it's way out.

Everything described here happens ONLY after the identification as someone who HAS TO do something for another person in order to survive (for the condition of acceptance to be fulfilled). If the identification doesn’t enter then there is no question of needing to buy that christmas present or to do anything else for that matter. If the proposal feels right then it might result in an inspiration to look for a present or maybe not. Maybe the whole thing is forgotten but somehow the present is there just at the right time.. Who knows how it will go.

So anger is energy gathered in the system to destroy the obstacles between you and your freedom so it is one of the most beautiful tools and indicators. It shows you that something is not right. Used well it can completely transform your life. Just remember that it’s never really about the other. It’s always yours and in that recognition your freedom is also.

perjantai 28. marraskuuta 2014

Why not caring can be the greatest gift to another?

We are taught from early on to take others into account and not hurt one another which is very good thing to teach a child. However we are taught so much to focus on others that we completely lose our sense of self, our most natural state of “I am / I exist” or more accurately it gets distorted to match other people’s expectations of you. The “I am” becomes “I am daughter/husband/veteran/teacher/priest/doctor..” . It is simply never really taught to be selfish in a good way. We all know what the normal definition of selfish is: Someone who is using others to get what they think they need to feel fulfilled. They manipulate and fight for energy in forms like respectability, money, power. We all know this as selfishness so nobody wants to be selfish (or more honestly doesn’t want others to think that they are). 

In fact everybody is selfish but they are completely denying and hiding that they are indeed manipulating other people to make themselves feel better, to fulfil their role, who they think they need to be in order to have love. Their whole focus is completely outside of themselves so they don’t even know any other way to live than to focus on helping and serving others in hopes that maybe some day someone will help and save them. This is the actual dis-ease that the whole humanity thinks the answers are outside of them. Whether in religions, green peace, science, society.. All eyes are fixed on the outside and everybody is sucking each others energy as a result.

I had a wonderful moment couple of days ago when it really crystallised for me and I saw how wonderful it can be when two people are completely selfish. They are completely just in their own energy and when they feel that the other is also just within themselves then there is a tremendous space, freedom and relaxation in the meeting that it can completely change their lives forever. One feels so utterly respected for the other does not expect anything, doesn’t want anything. Both just want to share because that’s what feels the most natural at the moment. Then the whole flow of energy is back to it’s natural state. Everything comes from within and moves outward. Everything you do has your own unique flavour. Before the energy was moving from the outside in but of course it was very limited and tight space to be in so there was not a lot of real power in anything you did. It was all based on misinformed assumptions on how energy works.

This is what true selfishness is. It not focus on the mind and the personality structure but a focus on the sense of “I am”. ONLY from that space can you truly be of ANY real service for another.

When I said that not caring can be the greatest gift to another, this is what I mean. We are no more obsessed about what is going on on the outside of ourselves and therefore the tensions of expectations and fears drop and there is no point to be anywhere than here and now. It is a state of not caring, not minding what happens, just in allowance of what is without any agenda. Everything is just fine as it is.

Funny enough but in this ultimate state of selfishness there is a great love, respect and gratefulness towards the other because you got received as you are and you got to create a beautiful moment together but without needing to compromise yourself in any way, there is no need to move outside but still everything flows to you.

maanantai 3. marraskuuta 2014

What happens when you look back in time?

Usually we tend to think in terms of linear time but a funny thing happens when you reach a certain point of awakening to your awareness. You look, let’s say, 1-2 years back and you feel into who you were back then and what was going on inside you; what were your beliefs, fears, relationships, how did you feel about your life in general… It may seem like that person is lifetimes away in the past. For myself I can say that this is exactly how I feel about myself 2 years ago. It might as well be 10 000 years ago because the things I’m attracted, the way I see myself, the kinds of people I have around me and the whole perspective has shifted. Then on the other hand you might remember something that happened to you when you were 7 years old and you remember it like it happened just now. Maybe you had a glimpse of the awareness that you have now. But what’s really going on?

We are not actually that linear. We are looking “back” from the current state of consciousness towards some other states or aspects of ourselves that we are used to think as the past but when the awakening process is at the point where the mind seems to be in a chaos and all the old patterns of thinking are shaken up then we begin to see that time is not that straight forward and fixed. 

Consciousness has created time to experience itself “evolving” or rather seeing itself in all the possible states and created a story called lifetime(s) to see itself go through different experiences and reflections of itself (God created human as his own image ..and you are god also).

Another way of putting it is that you have had different frequencies in your life that you have been tuned into very singularly and that frequency has attracted and manifested certain events to take place in your life. Then you move to the next frequency and create a different set of circumstances for yourself. When you take a conscious look into all the frequencies you have been through you realise that just because you have changed the channel doesn’t mean that the channel has stopped the broadcast. It just may feel a little distant for you because you are not so attracted to country music like you once were. You don’t choose it but you realise it’s all there.

All of those parts still exist even if you are not experiencing them in the physical at the moment and if you try and drop the idea of it being in the past then you realise how much layers and dimensions you contain inside and then you can choose what you prefer without ever being stuck in one particular role. Then it becomes much more fun :)

perjantai 26. syyskuuta 2014

Dimensions within:

We are living in very many levels or dimensions in every moment. We are like onions. Layer after layer of different things to be aware of. What makes it so interesting is that these dimensions are fractal by nature. I will try to explain.

When you are in a certain thought pattern you can also be aware that behind those thoughts you can find certain feelings. If you are able to be aware that they are just thoughts and not get carried away with them you immediately can “go” or rather simply move the point of attention into the feelings behind those thoughts. When your awareness is more in the feelings then the thoughts might continue but you actually start to see that those thoughts are not so important anymore compared to the first stage when you were maybe completely consumed by thought after thought that all seemed like it was the only thing that existed at the time. You can move on on your journey when you become aware of even more subtle phenomenon. Moods. You may notice that you might have had the same kind of mood for some days or some weeks even. Moods seem to have some relevance to things like the weather, the season, the moon, other people and mass consciousness.

You might start to be aware that you have more of certain kind of thoughts during certain times of the year or when the moon is full. This is how we can become aware of our multiple dimensions of existence and see how these inner dimensions and their activities can be followed with awareness from the inside to the very surface. Of course the dimensions then go towards the physical which is the most outer part of us. Those certain thoughts then become actions, words, hormones, chemicals etc.  This is the limit of our inner dimensions and there starts the interaction with the outer reality. From the surface of our being we then take in information trough the senses and carry this information back to the inner layers of our being.

It’s always said in spiritual practices to go inwards and not to stop at any point. Even if the Buddha himself came to your inner world you must cut his head and move on.

This is what this “going inwards” is referring to. When you let yourself become aware of the more subtle dimensions of yourself then eventually you have to become aware that it is your own being, your consciousness that is aware of all of these phenomenas. Then you have arrived to where the awareness is aware of it’s own existence. This is the state of “I am”. Things keep on happening on their own on the outer layers but when this is seen clearly then the awareness cannot identify as thoughts or emotions for very long time anymore. It’s like you have now a teflon surface from where everything eventually slips away. The thoughts and emotions and movements are still going on but there is something that can never completely believe the identification with them. 

Becoming aware of the inner dimensions is really like climbing higher up the mountain to see more of the scenery to be able to make better decisions concerning where to move next and which route to take. Becoming aware of more subtle levels in this fractal -system you are automatically aware of the lower ones. Not that you have to be aware of every little thing that happens in your body or mind but then you go beyond them when you see that everything comes from the inside to the outside and when you are aware of the inner layer the outer will automatically adjust itself accordingly.

This is the natural flow.

lauantai 13. syyskuuta 2014

We are all crazy!

We are all crazy. We all have voices in our heads and we act according to these voices. Isn’t that exactly what we consider insane; Hearing voices in our heads and acting how ever these voices command and encourage us to do. The problem is that the average person is not aware of this amazing fact in his life at all. It’s actually considered quite normal to act in this completely out-of-touch way. We have a lot of judgements towards people who are being diagnosed and locked behind doors for this condition but what is the actual difference between an average person and a crazy person?

The crazy person seems to have just taken a little step further in interpreting these voices as somebody else’s voices. They perceive that it’s some outside voice talking to them and making them do things even though it’s their own unconscious thoughts coming out and they interpret it as somebody else’s thoughts and give them even a very specific sounding voice to make it easier to differentiate from the “normal” state.

But what about a normal “sane” person?

We also hear these voices that give us orders and without any hesitation we follow them. The only difference is that we call those voices our own thoughts. We completely and utterly identify ourselves with them. When these thoughts occur we hardly ever slow down enough to see the mechanism which is the following:

There is an outer stimulation (Somebody does/says something to you) 
..that causes a certain feeling from past experiences 
..that causes a thought from past experience (When somebody said something a little similar when you were 7 years old)
..that goes straight into a reaction, an automatic action.

Usually this happens without even considering what the person is actually saying because the emotions came so fast that the ears were shut before the other is even finished talking and the response was already loaded in the throat. So this goes on happening completely unconsciously from moment to moment, from day to day, from week to week and the story goes on.. 

I said we are crazy and that we hear voices in our heads but the only difference is that we think that it’s “me” who is thinking and acting and that there is a real reason for these “decisions” but this is just a rationalisation and a justification for the automatic tape that was ready in the player and somebody else just pushed “play”.

Looking from this perspective there is not a great difference between your average joe and an insane person. The good news is that it would be impossible for me to tell you about this if I wasn’t seeing this happening to myself. And if I was able to see this happening it means that by definition I was not the one who’s “voices” these thoughts were. 

What does that make me then? 

The one observing all the thoughts, emotions and happenings. That is my freedom and where I can decide whether a thought feels coherent and needing of action or not. This is the place beyond sanity and insanity; the place of “I exist”. Where everything comes after this feeling of purely being aware of being present. 

All it needs is one step back into what you cannot get away from.This is from where the great unfolding of this apparent life and personality is being seen from. This is also your true place or “original face” and it is all that you have ever really been. 

Isn’t that just crazy! :)

maanantai 1. syyskuuta 2014

The world gone mad? What a great contrast!

I don’t think I’ve ever been as joyous as I am now. It’s quite funny because looking from my old personality there shouldn’t be any very obvious reason considering how the world is around right now (to be fair I never really believed I could be happy). The population of this planet seems to be in some kind of exaggeration mode. Every game inside the human consciousness seems to be pulled to the surface. The power games are on the big stage at the moment in the political arena almost as if it was a very strong mirror that humanity is outsourcing to the leaders to see what has been brewing on low flame for a long time on the inside. Now the water is finally bubbling and I don’t think it’s going to stop any day soon. 

…and amongst all of this crazy energy I feel good, joyous, happy even. Here is why I think it is so:

IT’S ALL JUST ENERGY. It feels good to get things moving after so much holding and this lame half-ass-insanity. Let’s bring the energy in to speed things up a little. For someone who is really awake here can feel all the craziness around and feel compassionate about it but they also understand that compassion ultimately is not interfering and making others not to play out what they want to play out, what they NEED to learn on their own. I just don’t need to choose that myself and then I can be completely open and accepting for the world to be as it is. This energy has been called forth by consciousness and is basically speeding up and amplifying the phase we need to go through and it might not be pretty to watch sometimes but by choosing freedom I am creating the vibration of the kind of earth I want to be in and that earth is what I’m here for. By not choosing the drama of the world that seems now so absolutely crystal clear all this energy actually serves me. I become the big receiver that shows by example what to do with this energy and how easy it can be when you just allow. No matter how I worry sometimes everything goes exactly right by itself.

I am here to really, truly and fully enjoy my physical existence and I am just really getting the hang of it (finally!) and in a way what a beautiful creation to live in this beauty when everything else around seems to be getting more mad all the time.. maybe just to make it so magnificently obvious that we have the power to create our own reality.

This is actually what we have been asking for so my advice to anyone is: 

Do with it what you want but make no mistake: You can and you are choosing how you let this energy serve you. Choose wisely :)

keskiviikko 13. elokuuta 2014

What are you being for your planet?

Today has been a day of not doing anything special. Just letting go of the need to keep on doing things just to validate my existence. I am, I exist, therefore I deserve everything that life has to offer. It's a hard one to integrate even though at the moment of clarity there is no doubt about it. It's the natural state just to exist. Everything comes after the "I". I think most of the spiritual people understand the concept, yet especially in spirituality the programming seems to be heavy.

Today I saw what happens on the Facebook with a bit more understanding and coming from this pure I am -perspective it looks mad in a way. I can see and feel the chaotic fearful way people look at everything and it has it's own fun. They think that it's very necessary to make others also aware how badly things are in the world and demanding "We must do this and that", "We must keep on doing". There is no time just to be anymore. "What are you doing for your planet" is one funny thing people keep on asking on their walls. It's almost like we must keep on moving to some direction in a panic without knowing where we are now or where we are coming from.  Nobody wants to just stop and say "isn't it just perfectly ok if we just take a moment to feel into ourselves, have a conscious day off and let the rest of the world be in it's crazy tornado of activity. I can stay in the eye of the hurricane and I am not affected by it and I have to do nothing about it.

When will we see that actually this running from place to place imagining that we have these important missions we have to accomplish is actually the root of the chaos the world is in right now because everybody has to do something about everything in this time of over flooding information. The U.S.A has to do something about Ukraine and Russia needs to do something about it too. Then the U.S. needs to do something about Russia, then The EU needs to do something about Russia too, then Russia needs to do something about EU and U.S. So it goes to China and then soon Faroe Islands needs to do something about something and nobody sees where it started. It seems very convincing from mental point of view that action is the most effective thing. Action needs a a reaction but do you see that both need each other, both polarities take power from each other. It's a powerful distraction to keep on doing because just being and allowing life to happen in it's natural way isn't very sexy, we NEED problems and conflicts and drama to feel like there is something going on and we need something to keep going on because we don't know what would happen if it didn't.

You can start only from yourself to step out of the chaos, you cannot make the world a better place by going out of yourself. You need to be just yourself in you authenticity. Anything else is just a mental concept if it doesn't rise from that passion of just wanting to enjoy your existence here. From that abundance everything that happens is good but just convincing people to do something is a dog chasing it's tail.

The observer in the coffeeshop

I like to go around the town sometimes and just wonder around until I find the perfect spot to have a coffee and observe people around. Just observing, without judgement can be very amusing. I also observe how I reflect the contrast between my own inner state to the outside world and the psychic noise of the mass consciousness. I listen to see the contrast from the place where I am just me, unidentified, silent, then outside to my own thoughts and emotions and continuing outward to the energies around, the feelings of other people, the consciousness, the patterns, thoughts and ultimately the behaviours at the most external level.

I notice that I truly enjoy this observing. Not because I'm trying to figure out why people do what they do and what is the story. To be completely honest I don't really care. Somehow this is the most relaxed for me; Being in the crowd, infiltrating, being part of it but yet I know that I truly am not a part of anything and yet at the same time here I am, in the middle of it all and hopefully acting like one of my species. This is a reference point that is hard to have these days because "normal" and "appropriate" has kind of lost it´s meaning in the recent few years. They are like fashion, I don´t really know what is in and what is out now but somehow some kind of bookkeeping is going on in the collective consciousness. I just know that somehow things keep on happening and I respond to each moment differently. There are some helpful conditioned automations I do but the identity of being a personality is slipping away.

Sometimes I feel like I´m going to get caught redhanded for faking to be someone. I have a feeling that some day somebody is going to shout out to me "I know you are not a person! Admit it, you are just playing along, you are not one of us!". I have a genuine feeling to apologize to people I know that "Listen, I´m not really your friend/beloved/son/employee/boss.. I´m just an empty shell moving around in the winds of life and this person you see you also just use it as an interface to reflect yourself. I´m going to disappoint you if you hold any expectations for me because I cannot hold on to those projections even if I wanted." ..and I have tried.

I notice people also in social media. I spend a lot of time somehow connected through the internet to people because I enjoy my privacy and space. I love to be home and connect to other people mostly by messaging on Facebook because it´s easier. People don´t bring in so much of their stories and I like to deal with simple communication, factual and telegraphic communication. I received a call from my mother yesterday who had got all worked up because of some of our client (that had nothing to do with her) had tried to reach and was making her own dramatic interpretation and hastily put together conclusions so instead of hearing just what had actually happened and what they said I received a whole package of her thoughts, emotions and stress attached to it. Then I just simply made it as telegraphic and straight forward as I could and asked the the facts in a little bit rude way and ended the call as quickly as possible. Then when all the download of old programming had seized and I got the necessary information I had such an easy job of actually making the appointments and in half an hour everything was ready with the client with almost no effort at all. Ease and grace in action.

At this point I observed that the teenage girls have arrived to this cafe making the noise (psychic and the actual noise) a little too much for me to keep focused. I will get back later. The sun is shining and I feel it´s the right moment to head out for a walk.

Being informed from the point of view of consciousness.

I find that people are more and more burdened these days by so much information that for many it’s actually quite hard to keep up. Many people I know want to do the best they can because they love this earth and want to see it in a better condition. So they want to help, develop better systems, make all the efforts to create something better because something in them is tired with the old. We are waking up to the very fact that the systems that have been created in the old consciousness are simply not designed flawless by any means and there are tons of people inspired to create new ways to substitute the old ones. 

The thing is that there are few very old-energy beliefs still left in the people who are ”helping” or ”saving” the world.

There is a basic core belief in humans; a tendency to think I am not enoughjust as I am. This is a very old issue and it’s reflected in the way we behave with information also. There is a tendency to believe one is never doing enough, that one is never good enough and therefore must strain more, must study more, must think more about the environment and must also keep others feeling the same way to keep this movement going to reach this far away goal of better world. The more you convince people that something is wrong with them,the environment, humanity and the whole world the more you also have others buying into this way of thinking and therefore validate this as something more concrete and real.

Does this sound familiar, by the way? Yes, It sounds very much like religions,doesn’t it?

The feeling behind belonging into religions is of being separate, that you are a flawed human being who was thrown out of the paradise by god and now you must make it up, to be good enough once again to get back. In other religious terms you need to become the perfect human being in order to attain enlightenment and you need to travel along road and learn to discipline your mind and body, you need to have this and that diet, you need to meditate at least 1 hour / day or you will lose your chance of getting enlightenment and then you have to wait for the next lifetime. Of course these are impossible standards and lead you torturing yourself in every way until you say ”once again, I tried and failed at becoming the real me”. Then off to the next round for thousands of years..

One basic flaw with this making better world -thinking is that there will NEVER be a better world because the code is set to create problems and then solve those problems. It’s like the conspiracy theories; You believe there is some bad people who are keeping your power from you and you focus your energy on changing it but your assumption is based on the old belief that you are powerless and you need power and then you need someone who is matching this victim energy you created and therefore those people who have this control just have to keep on playing this game because YOU are. Do you see a paradox here?Y ou are co-creating also what you are fighting against. Always.

I’m not going any deeper into the conspiracies so let’s get back on track.

There is this dualistic movement for the consciousness to fix the world and fix also other people. But this is one of the most violent and old energy way of looking at things. There is a basic assumption that there is something wrong with people as they are. They are not as they should be and the helper has the idea how exactly they should be. So basically the one helping and saving others is projecting these massively arrogant thoughts on others and trying to force them to change in the way the helper wants them to be even if the people are happy in the way they are. The reality is that people are CHOOSING as creators to experience certain role maybe for years and lifetimes in order to empower themselves and later laugh after seeing the contrast of their supposed difficulty then they see that they don’t need to hold onto it anymore. They will be immensely more rich, wise and deep once they have transcended this kind of darkness into understanding. They stand strongly in their own freedom once they have experienced very strong and dense negativity and desperation. Actually the helper is not helping at all because he is not really considering these people as masters and creators, rather his own soldiers in the chessboard he created. He is about to win the game…

So how can you really help others? 
It’s very simple, let them be as they are, accept them in their own expression and take your own freedom as it is for everyone who is ready to let go of the idea that first you need to help others before you can be so selfish that you take or rather accept and allow your own freedom. But when you accept your freedom, you don’t need to do much, you are just shining your own essence, not because of any reason but just because that’s who and what you are. You don’t care who is affected by it, you just care that that’s your joy to express yourself in your fullness, JUST BECAUSE..

So what do we need to be informed about? Really just that you are, you exist and that’s all you need, the rest will take care of itself, you don’t need to stress about knowing more or doing more (if you don't want) because for one who is accepting their freedom energy serves effortlessly and everything you do is right. You just assume that and therefore it becomes so. Then everything is suddenly as it should be and life takes care of itself and by synchronicity you may happen to help someone but that’s none of your concern, it just happened because you were being you.  This is a true inspiration for others, they will see the potential in themselves manifest in front of their eyes and if they are ready for it something immediately starts transforming. Nobody is doing nothing but something is happening. That’s what alchemy is all about.

Isn’t this much more easy way than trying to manage all the information and act accordingly, worry and stress about how can you be ”good enough”. This is also well and good. Just one perspective of consciousness and it is also needed but there are so many helpers in the world that don’t you think you can let the newcomers come and move to that point, have their space in the playground that you have been selfishly guarding for so long.

If you are consciouss like this then you will see that there are so many people coming to take over from here. So many people are aware of what is going on in the world so if you are ready to let go of your role and step into your true freedom, there will be so many people taking over your old role of helping,saving, preserving, protecting, healing…

This is an invitation. Why not take the easy way? Love yourself, realise your own freedom and see how the whole world suddenly changes in front of your eyes.Not because it changed so much but because you let go of the limited perspective and stepped into your natural seeing and open consciousness that you already always were.

Written by
Sakura Saku
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