The era of personal development is over, it's so old new age and now it's the time of developing your unchanging, ever present and unaffected true nature.
Give that original face a good wash with esoteric anti-bacterial soap and give it a good cucumber mask of spiritual development. It's time to get that light body into summer shape with visualization. You are ever perfect and eternal but you could do better, your inner being is out of shape, fat and lacking motivation to become a better being. Start doing mantras, yoga, therapy groups, meditation retreats, mindfulness, tai chi, chi gong, feng shui, sushi, sake and tantra. Take vitamins, eat raw-vegan, become a breatharian, move to a more spiritual town or commune and drink lots of coconut water because it's never too late to get the shapeless back in great shape.
You have to think positive, act gracefully, walk floatingly, talk softly, avoid violence, violently oppose bad thoughts, be balanced, give to charity, share inspirational and ideological posts, love everyone except the ones who hate, understand the non-existence of your identity then identify as divine feminine, divine light, twin flame, higher self, seeker of truth, bringer of light, messenger of some arch angel, healer, space holder, energy balancer, peace keeper, pacemaker, beat boxer, bat trainer, light worker, facilitator of transformation, therapist, spiritual guide or activist.
You see, it's not enough for you to just to accept yourself as nothing with nothing to gain or to lose and leaving your human attributes to be as they are and let them unfold in their own weight whilst just paying attention to your sense of existence.
No, you need to project your human ideas onto your being and thrive to make your enlightenment happen in a way that fits your minds dreams and concepts about it.
Get you being back in shape!
Give that original face a good wash with esoteric anti-bacterial soap and give it a good cucumber mask of spiritual development. It's time to get that light body into summer shape with visualization. You are ever perfect and eternal but you could do better, your inner being is out of shape, fat and lacking motivation to become a better being. Start doing mantras, yoga, therapy groups, meditation retreats, mindfulness, tai chi, chi gong, feng shui, sushi, sake and tantra. Take vitamins, eat raw-vegan, become a breatharian, move to a more spiritual town or commune and drink lots of coconut water because it's never too late to get the shapeless back in great shape.
You have to think positive, act gracefully, walk floatingly, talk softly, avoid violence, violently oppose bad thoughts, be balanced, give to charity, share inspirational and ideological posts, love everyone except the ones who hate, understand the non-existence of your identity then identify as divine feminine, divine light, twin flame, higher self, seeker of truth, bringer of light, messenger of some arch angel, healer, space holder, energy balancer, peace keeper, pacemaker, beat boxer, bat trainer, light worker, facilitator of transformation, therapist, spiritual guide or activist.
You see, it's not enough for you to just to accept yourself as nothing with nothing to gain or to lose and leaving your human attributes to be as they are and let them unfold in their own weight whilst just paying attention to your sense of existence.
No, you need to project your human ideas onto your being and thrive to make your enlightenment happen in a way that fits your minds dreams and concepts about it.
Get you being back in shape!