Especially being here in one of the most popular holiday destinations on earth I notice a lot of families from all over the world. They all have something in common - they all talk constantly. It’s almost absolutely non-stop chatter when a family comes to any site of attraction.
We as species seem to use language as a kind of bond between individuals so that we find our appropriate place in the pack. The talk is actually much more than the words. It’s also a kind of energetic and telepathic transmission. I see it almost like people are sending their energetical tentacles to probe others around if they are still in consensus with each other and whether some action is needed to restore the the status quo to ensure the survival of the family organism and therefore the individual. This happens on completely unconscious level of course.
I would say from my empirical observations that the average person is very much afraid of silence. Silence is very dangerous indeed. You combine that with some solitude and we will see a revolution in an individual.
Most people are afraid of silence because most people are completely dependant on group-consciousness or to put it even more directly THEY ARE IT. In other words their identity and attention is entirely tied to maintaining a personality which is the interface we use for having a place in the pack. We mould ourselves to suit the needs of the family and culture around us. We use language to check our position with our surroundings and in the violent history of mankind not being part of the consensus has been a danger for the individual’s survival. It always affects the whole pond when one jumps out of the water and makes waves. People in general don’t like that because it feels so safe and comfortable to go with the pack, always check with others what to do, where to work, what to wear, who to marry and when is it appropriate to have children.
So that’s why it’s dangerous to take time for yourself because doubts will come. Eventually all of your personality and habits will come to display in front of you and you will have to discern whether you want to keep it as yours, whether it’s really yours or was it indeed just something you picked up that had nothing to do with you in the first place. You will have to look at everything you believe in and especially who you take yourself to be and that, I would say, is the single most difficult thing a human being can ever do. You have to give up everything eventually when you go into aloneness and you will not find anyone to tell you what to do. People talk about freedom all around the world with very grandeous words but until one has let everything go, including every notion of him or herself all the talk of the freedom is just romantic ideal, a noble-sounding lip-service.
It all starts with silence.
Ps. I actually just googled to find some image to add to this blog and I put "alone" as the search word and all the result were depressed people wearing hoodies in some dark place. It's funny to observe this myth of aloneness being something terrible where one should never go. One should never be left alone and it's even considered noble that somebody should stay with another just so that they don't have to be alone with themselves. It shows how terrified we seem to be even about this notion of having to be alone. It's a myth that only the bravest of us go and see for themselves. Others just keep believing in stories and try to find even bad company not to face it.
Ps. I actually just googled to find some image to add to this blog and I put "alone" as the search word and all the result were depressed people wearing hoodies in some dark place. It's funny to observe this myth of aloneness being something terrible where one should never go. One should never be left alone and it's even considered noble that somebody should stay with another just so that they don't have to be alone with themselves. It shows how terrified we seem to be even about this notion of having to be alone. It's a myth that only the bravest of us go and see for themselves. Others just keep believing in stories and try to find even bad company not to face it.