perjantai 26. syyskuuta 2014

Dimensions within:

We are living in very many levels or dimensions in every moment. We are like onions. Layer after layer of different things to be aware of. What makes it so interesting is that these dimensions are fractal by nature. I will try to explain.

When you are in a certain thought pattern you can also be aware that behind those thoughts you can find certain feelings. If you are able to be aware that they are just thoughts and not get carried away with them you immediately can “go” or rather simply move the point of attention into the feelings behind those thoughts. When your awareness is more in the feelings then the thoughts might continue but you actually start to see that those thoughts are not so important anymore compared to the first stage when you were maybe completely consumed by thought after thought that all seemed like it was the only thing that existed at the time. You can move on on your journey when you become aware of even more subtle phenomenon. Moods. You may notice that you might have had the same kind of mood for some days or some weeks even. Moods seem to have some relevance to things like the weather, the season, the moon, other people and mass consciousness.

You might start to be aware that you have more of certain kind of thoughts during certain times of the year or when the moon is full. This is how we can become aware of our multiple dimensions of existence and see how these inner dimensions and their activities can be followed with awareness from the inside to the very surface. Of course the dimensions then go towards the physical which is the most outer part of us. Those certain thoughts then become actions, words, hormones, chemicals etc.  This is the limit of our inner dimensions and there starts the interaction with the outer reality. From the surface of our being we then take in information trough the senses and carry this information back to the inner layers of our being.

It’s always said in spiritual practices to go inwards and not to stop at any point. Even if the Buddha himself came to your inner world you must cut his head and move on.

This is what this “going inwards” is referring to. When you let yourself become aware of the more subtle dimensions of yourself then eventually you have to become aware that it is your own being, your consciousness that is aware of all of these phenomenas. Then you have arrived to where the awareness is aware of it’s own existence. This is the state of “I am”. Things keep on happening on their own on the outer layers but when this is seen clearly then the awareness cannot identify as thoughts or emotions for very long time anymore. It’s like you have now a teflon surface from where everything eventually slips away. The thoughts and emotions and movements are still going on but there is something that can never completely believe the identification with them. 

Becoming aware of the inner dimensions is really like climbing higher up the mountain to see more of the scenery to be able to make better decisions concerning where to move next and which route to take. Becoming aware of more subtle levels in this fractal -system you are automatically aware of the lower ones. Not that you have to be aware of every little thing that happens in your body or mind but then you go beyond them when you see that everything comes from the inside to the outside and when you are aware of the inner layer the outer will automatically adjust itself accordingly.

This is the natural flow.

lauantai 13. syyskuuta 2014

We are all crazy!

We are all crazy. We all have voices in our heads and we act according to these voices. Isn’t that exactly what we consider insane; Hearing voices in our heads and acting how ever these voices command and encourage us to do. The problem is that the average person is not aware of this amazing fact in his life at all. It’s actually considered quite normal to act in this completely out-of-touch way. We have a lot of judgements towards people who are being diagnosed and locked behind doors for this condition but what is the actual difference between an average person and a crazy person?

The crazy person seems to have just taken a little step further in interpreting these voices as somebody else’s voices. They perceive that it’s some outside voice talking to them and making them do things even though it’s their own unconscious thoughts coming out and they interpret it as somebody else’s thoughts and give them even a very specific sounding voice to make it easier to differentiate from the “normal” state.

But what about a normal “sane” person?

We also hear these voices that give us orders and without any hesitation we follow them. The only difference is that we call those voices our own thoughts. We completely and utterly identify ourselves with them. When these thoughts occur we hardly ever slow down enough to see the mechanism which is the following:

There is an outer stimulation (Somebody does/says something to you) 
..that causes a certain feeling from past experiences 
..that causes a thought from past experience (When somebody said something a little similar when you were 7 years old)
..that goes straight into a reaction, an automatic action.

Usually this happens without even considering what the person is actually saying because the emotions came so fast that the ears were shut before the other is even finished talking and the response was already loaded in the throat. So this goes on happening completely unconsciously from moment to moment, from day to day, from week to week and the story goes on.. 

I said we are crazy and that we hear voices in our heads but the only difference is that we think that it’s “me” who is thinking and acting and that there is a real reason for these “decisions” but this is just a rationalisation and a justification for the automatic tape that was ready in the player and somebody else just pushed “play”.

Looking from this perspective there is not a great difference between your average joe and an insane person. The good news is that it would be impossible for me to tell you about this if I wasn’t seeing this happening to myself. And if I was able to see this happening it means that by definition I was not the one who’s “voices” these thoughts were. 

What does that make me then? 

The one observing all the thoughts, emotions and happenings. That is my freedom and where I can decide whether a thought feels coherent and needing of action or not. This is the place beyond sanity and insanity; the place of “I exist”. Where everything comes after this feeling of purely being aware of being present. 

All it needs is one step back into what you cannot get away from.This is from where the great unfolding of this apparent life and personality is being seen from. This is also your true place or “original face” and it is all that you have ever really been. 

Isn’t that just crazy! :)

maanantai 1. syyskuuta 2014

The world gone mad? What a great contrast!

I don’t think I’ve ever been as joyous as I am now. It’s quite funny because looking from my old personality there shouldn’t be any very obvious reason considering how the world is around right now (to be fair I never really believed I could be happy). The population of this planet seems to be in some kind of exaggeration mode. Every game inside the human consciousness seems to be pulled to the surface. The power games are on the big stage at the moment in the political arena almost as if it was a very strong mirror that humanity is outsourcing to the leaders to see what has been brewing on low flame for a long time on the inside. Now the water is finally bubbling and I don’t think it’s going to stop any day soon. 

…and amongst all of this crazy energy I feel good, joyous, happy even. Here is why I think it is so:

IT’S ALL JUST ENERGY. It feels good to get things moving after so much holding and this lame half-ass-insanity. Let’s bring the energy in to speed things up a little. For someone who is really awake here can feel all the craziness around and feel compassionate about it but they also understand that compassion ultimately is not interfering and making others not to play out what they want to play out, what they NEED to learn on their own. I just don’t need to choose that myself and then I can be completely open and accepting for the world to be as it is. This energy has been called forth by consciousness and is basically speeding up and amplifying the phase we need to go through and it might not be pretty to watch sometimes but by choosing freedom I am creating the vibration of the kind of earth I want to be in and that earth is what I’m here for. By not choosing the drama of the world that seems now so absolutely crystal clear all this energy actually serves me. I become the big receiver that shows by example what to do with this energy and how easy it can be when you just allow. No matter how I worry sometimes everything goes exactly right by itself.

I am here to really, truly and fully enjoy my physical existence and I am just really getting the hang of it (finally!) and in a way what a beautiful creation to live in this beauty when everything else around seems to be getting more mad all the time.. maybe just to make it so magnificently obvious that we have the power to create our own reality.

This is actually what we have been asking for so my advice to anyone is: 

Do with it what you want but make no mistake: You can and you are choosing how you let this energy serve you. Choose wisely :)